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 Buy Stiiizy OG Kush Rainbow Candy Premium THC Online. An Indica-dominant che ris hed for its ability to crush stress under the weight of its heavy euphoria. OG Kush is pe rfe ct for p atie nts look in g to com ba t stress, dep re ssion, p ai n, insomnia and lack of appetite while e njoy ing the taste of rainbow candy. The high from OG Kush is more head-focused than p hysi cal. It starts with a sudden h eadr ush that may lead users to feel more focused on their surroundings; sounds and colors may seem in tens ified. This alteration of the senses may soon give way to a general uplift in mood that pro gre sses towards e up horia. The increase in focus is not as cerebral as with more pure sativas -- smokers will not suffer from a disor ien ting sense of rapid thought association or “mindrace.”  It’s a versatile smoke that lends itself to the user’s mood and mindset The combination of mental stimulation and im prove ment in mood makes this a uni qu ely social st ra in, good for ...